I know it's been some time since my last post. This summer I haven't spent as much time as I usually do creating things for my classroom. Although, I did get my new classroom set up! This year, I'll be teaching Reading/Language Arts and Science. Our former Science teacher moved to Florida. :(
I am looking forward to teaching science, because it is my personal favorite subject. My students often ask me what my favorite genres are to read. They're always shocked when I tell them nonfiction and science. lol
Here are some sneak peak images of my new classroom:
This is my new favorite thing in my classroom! I have a back door!!! This will make going to lunch and recess so much quicker, and we can avoid hallway traffic!
This board holds images of me, my favorite educational/inspirational quote, our schedule, and missed work folders.
My feeble attempt at curtains. lol
I love this computer area! I have so much more space in my new classroom!
Excuse the mess! This is our counter space which will hold green folders, turn-in trays, and early finisher activities.
Our lovely small group table! Like I said, SO much room! <3
This is my memorabilia corner! It's filled with memories from student teaching to last year's memories at Steere.
Corner by the front door.
Outside of my back door
Lockers! So, I bought the wrong size name plates and attached magnetic tape to the back before realizing they were too big. So, the little creative teacher that I am made it work!
Here are some images of my summer adventures:
Went with some of my 5th grade cohorts to see Lover Boy in concert.
My godson turned 1 this summer!
Celebrated July 4th a day early with my grandparents!
Celebrated July 4th at my house with friends!
My husband and I celebrating the 4th
Celebrated my Mom's birthday on July 10th!
Had a teacher hangout at Holiday Lanes!
Celebrated my hubby's birthday!
This is a controversial topic, and not meant to start any debate. However I wanted to post it, because I think it's important that I show students that it's okay to stand up for what you believe in. We may not all agree, but never back down on something you believe in and never stop fighting for what you think is right.
Each summer I ponder my goal as an educator. My forever goal is to teach students to think critically and think for themselves. I enjoy research, which has shaped my values, views, and morals as a person. I hope that each individual student is able to come to their own conclusions and beliefs. No two people are the same, and I value individuality. I hope my students are inspired by the novels, articles, and subjects we read, and not to sound vain, but I hope I can inspire them.
That's all for now folks! Check back soon with more updates!