Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Personal Thoughts for the Night

The biggest misconception about teachers is that we get a full 2 or 3 months off for summer. However, for most teachers... or, I guess I should say, the most dedicated teachers only get a few weeks off. My summer is filled with workshops, trainings, committee meetings, and planning. Although my summer is filled with work, I do have a few things I want to accomplish:
1) Spending more time with friends
2) Attending church activities
3) Working out 
4) Crafts around the house
5) Growing spiritually and mentally… or as I like to call it "Fine tuning myself." lol

My biggest goal for this summer (that didn't involve work) was to exercise more. Towards the end of the school year I got a little lax with working out. I think it must've been because of the honeymoon season. I have more free time than I would during the school year, but I'm just having a hard time motivating myself. I am more motivated to create things for my classroom than I am to workout. 

Do other teachers get this way in the summer? 

One of my biggest challenges, and I'm sure most women can relate, is body image. I've struggled with this issue since I was 15 years old. It's unfortunate and really irrational. Yet, I still have those unwanted thoughts from time to time. So I'm hoping that I can find a way to motivate myself to eat better and workout this summer. If that fails, I need to find a way to be okay with me just the way I am. 

Well, enough rambling for tonight. :)

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