A student challenged me to the ALS Ice Bucket challenge! I accepted and challenged his mom (who is also a teacher at our school)! haha
My students created EDMODO accounts today! EDMODO is a social media site for teachers to connect with students. They can turn in work and ask me questions! It's pretty awesome, and the kids love that they get to create their own avatar!
We worked on Bibliographies this week! I introduced our first research project. The students are a little stressed out, but I know they can do it! I'm looking forward to Back to School Night so I can inform parents about all of the work we'll be doing this year. :-p You can purchase this guide for $1.00 from my TPT store {HERE}!
This year, I will be running our school newspaper! We have a fabulous PTA who created this newspaper. One of the PTA moms writes for a living and will be editing and printing the newspaper. She's amazing! I am so excited to teach my 5th graders one of my passions! Hopefully it will get going soon!
Our fabulous principal also completed the ALS Ice Bucket challenge in front of the entire student body! Pretty awesome!