Today was our Field Day! We had such a blast! My homeroom class won 8 out of the 10 events!!! :)
This is a picture of the fourth grade teachers and me. We call ourselves "The Four Corners," because our classrooms make a square at the end of the hall. In the picture, we're making a square! lol
(Left to Right: Kelly, me, Cheri, and Rachel)
Some of my homeroom kiddos
Some of Mrs. Montgomery's girls and me! I love these little ladies!
Montgomery's boys and me
Mrs. Mill's homeroom with all the teachers!
One of Mrs. Mill's lovely ladies and me
Before going out to Field Day
We had our annual crawfish boil this week to honor two of our women that are retiring! One year ago on Wednesday, I became a Gator and attended my first crawfish boil at Steere! As you can see, I am not a fan of crawfish! lol For those that don't know, I'm a pescetarian. Which means I am a vegetarian that still eats seafood. However, crawfish like this is not my thing. I will eat it in gumbo though. lol
A very sweet student made this scarf for me! It's yellow and green for our school colors. My kiddos spoil me! I'm really going to miss them when they graduate!
I am absolutley in love with my new "I can" statements! I ordered them from Jason's Online Store at TPT. He has Common Core objectives for ALL grades with pictures to explain each standard. How awesome is that! You can check them out HERE.
I really enjoyed Mother's Day with my mom!
Next week will be the hardest blog post I'll have to write. It will be the last week with my 5th graders. I will miss them terribly. Next week we are doing a lot of memorable activities, parties, and I will watch them graduate! I will have new students next year, but I will always remember my first class at A.C. Steere! They are very special to me. I know I will cry when I see them cross the stage!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!