We had a great time celebrating the holidays together at Cantina Laredo this year! We always do an ornament exchange. It got a little crazy this year when some coworkers had an ornament of Mr. C framed. It was hilarious!
The fifth grade team!
I love my A.C. Steere family!
Student Christmas Party:
The students used sharpies to create this gator keep-sake!
Crazy Kiddos!
Santa came to visit!
Bowling with Teachers:
Some students won a raffle to bowl with teachers! We had so much fun!
Exciting things coming to Steere:
The student council and some teacher volunteers helped create a video to teach students our school rules. The teachers got to demonstrate the way NOT to act in the hallway, restrooms, and cafeteria. The student council demonstrated the correct way to behave. Be on the lookout for our fabulous video! I'll be posting it!
Task Force:
As most of you know, I am on the ELA task force that helps create the guidebooks for the Wonders series. Next year things will be changing as far as curriculum goes. Grades k-2 will continue using Wonders. Grades 3-5 will be using Caddo Guidebooks (Which use novels) and LearnZillion to teach. My principal asked me to be on the committee that will work on those guidebooks. As a teacher, I have learned to embrace change and be as flexible as possible. We have to roll with the punches.
Here is a picture taken for the ELA Task Force:
Nicole and me
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break! When we come back to school we will be starting some new things at Steere. We will begin a school-wide tutoring program and a new schedule to accommodate RTI better. I'm looking forward to it!
My Christmas Break:
Hanging with my niece!
While visiting Treg's family, we had a family picture taken!
Treg and me
Swinging with my nephew!
Visiting Treg's uncle!
Our dorky Christmas card photos!
See you in the New Year!