Monday, January 26, 2015

What's Been Going On

Hey all!
I just wanted to update you on some fun things going on in 5th grade at A.C. Steere!

Last week one of my student's grandfather came to visit our class. He is a World War II vet and was in the infantry division. My kids loved it! They learned a lot! Mr. Hines brought pictures, news paper clippings, medals, and his helmet. :) This was definitely a proud teacher moment! I was so thrilled to see the look on my student's face when his grandfather was speaking! I loved it!

Last Friday was our Toast with Teachers morning! During our fall carnival back in October, students bid on teachers to eat breakfast with them. My sweet student, Benjamin, bid on me and won! We had french toast and got to chat! I love hearing about my students' lives! :)

This week we've started completing Count Down to Common Core (a test prep portion of our Wonders series). In order to spice test-prep up, we played Numbered Heads Together. First we read a passage together. Then we used the structure to answer the questions. First the students answered the questions independently on their white boards. Then they "put their heads together" and come to a consensus. Once they all agree on an answer, I choose a number (these numbers are on their desks) to hold up their board. We then discussed why the answer was correct if the whole class got it or discussed how to get to the right answer if there was disagreement amongst the groups. 
It went pretty well! It's such an awesome teacher moment to hear students solving problems and proving their answers!

Later this week we are going on a field trip and will use the Kagan strategy Placemat Consensus. I'll update you all at the end of the week! 

Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Pushing Myself and Students During Test Prep

Good morning all,

Next week starts the beginning of major test-prep for my students. We are taking the PARCC or a PARCC-like assessment in March and in May. I have been using cold read (reading comprehension) assessments from Wonders and from a few books I purchased at a teacher store. Next week we will be using Count Down to Common Core from the Wonders website and soon after that we will use the PARCC practice test online.

I have my students' best interest at heart, and I will do everything I can to prepare them for the assessment. I know my kiddos will be burnt out on testing.

Last week we had a professional development, and our administration showed this wonderful video. I wanted to share it with you all. Sometimes we need to push our students to succeed on high-stakes assignments and tests, and sometimes we need to push ourselves to be better teachers- more prepared, better examples, etc.

I hope this video encourages you during this difficult yet imperative time!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Monday Made It

Linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It! I've been getting my crafty on. 
I decoupaged my lamp shade with pictures of my favorite pieces of artwork!

I've recently started scrapbooking! I'm really enjoying it! Here are some of the pages I've made.

Speech Writing

Last week my students were required to write a speech for their ELA/Reading Benchmark assessment. The students were to read three passages about the Transcontinental Railroad. The writing prompt asked them to imagine they are the executive of the Central Pacific Railroad company at a ceremony celebrating the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. They are to write a speech to congratulate the workers for all their hard work.

Okay, so great prompt. However, I have only taught my students how to write an opinion, informative, and narrative. I had to come up with an interesting and quick way to teach my students how to write a speech. So, I showed them my favorite speech by a 10 year old kid named Dalton Sherman. He is giving a speech to 20,000 teachers at a back to school conference.

After the students watched the speech we discussed:
1) What made his speech a good speech?
2) What phrase/words did he repeat?
3) Why did he have a "grabber" introduction and a strong conclusion?

Then we watched clips of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech I Have a Dream.
We discussed what these speeches had in common.

Then, I had my students come to the board and generate a list of what they consider qualities of a great speech.

We also discussed different types of speeches: inspiring, congratulating, motivating, and persuading.

My students practiced writing a speech with the following prompt:
"Do you think that violence on TV effects society by causing people to act more violent? Write a speech persuading your audience to agree with your opinion."

Most of my students were very prepared for the writing prompt on the benchmark assessment. They were able to include evidence from the three passages and added all the things we said made a good speech. :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Amazing Day Back!

Happy Near Year everyone!

I had a fantastic day back with my 5th graders. I was a little nervous about returning. I have anxiety about preparing my students to the best of my ability for the PARCC assessment here in Louisiana. I know my students will do the best they can, and some will get it and some won't. I'm definitely frustrated with the PARCC assessment and our benchmark assessments. However, I believe in my students! I will teach them not only how to take these types of tests, but how to tackle comprehension questions, vocabulary questions, and writing prompts. I've been preparing my students all year. We've been focusing a lot on comprehension, text-based writing, and research projects.

Although I had a lot of nerves about the upcoming test practice, I really enjoyed seeing my students faces today. I was so excited to hear about their winter breaks. I assigned new seats to my students, so I did a team builder. I had my students do a Round Robin and share 3 things they received for Christmas, 2 things they enjoyed doing, and 1 thing they enjoyed eating. The kids loved it! We also went over their project requirements and read more from Number the Stars.

We are almost finished with Number the Stars. I'm not going to test them on the book any longer. We are on chapter 12. Once we finish the novel, I've decided to do a timed writing. The students will get to choose from three prompts relating to the novel. They will also be able to use the book to provide evidence for their writing.

Along with the enjoyment of seeing my students, I was also so excited to see some of my fantastic coworkers! I don't know what I'd do without my ELA cohort, Cheri. She is such a great friend, mentor, and teacher! I was also so glad to see my 5th grade team and any more!

I hope you all had a wonderful start to your new year and 3rd 9 weeks!

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