I just wanted to share with you what we worked on today. My 3rd period class completed a partner/group writing assignment we started last week. I mentioned in my last post a little bit about this lesson, but I wanted to give you more details about it.
First, we read two passages together as a class. I explained that each passage will have 3 different writing prompts to go with it.
Next, I had students think about which passage they would want to read/write about. They wrote down the name of a the passage on a slip of paper, but did not discuss their choice with anyone.
After they made their chose on a sheet of paper, they chose a corner. In each corner of the room I had the name of the different passages.
Once students chose a corner, they paired up with the person closest to them by getting back-to-back.One partner gathered the materials they would need, while the other partner chose a place anywhere in the room to sit.
With their partner(s), they re-read the passage and asked each other higher order thinking questions using a laminated question card sheet (I forgot to take a picture of this, but it is from the Kagan Cooperative Learning Book). Each partner asked the other 3 HOTS questions.
After finishing the passage, the students chose a writing prompt and wrote together. The students were able to choose from an opinion, informative, or narrative writing. I gave them a checklist of things I was looking for in all of the writings. (This is a habit my students are in. I always give them a checklist so they know exactly what I'm looking for). The person whose first name is closest to the beginning of the alphabet kept track of time. (I always keep a timer on my board going so they know how much time we have left. I use Kagan Timer Tools). At the end of the lesson, the person whose name is closest to the end of the alphabet filled out an Exit Slip. The Exit Slip had the student rate how they worked together with their partner and included details they read about today.
I have an Exit Slip folder section by my door. The student who filled out the slip put it in the folder that they felt comfortable with. The folders are labeled "Got it", "Kind of", "Almost", and "Nope!". They know to put the Exit Slip in the folder that fits their understanding of the lesson. This way, I know who I need to work with or how I need to tweak my lesson in the future.
Here are some pictures of my students working today!
I allowed this class to work in groups of three. (This class is my largest class, so it made it a little easier on me).
The partners wrote one writing together. All had to contribute.
Some students chose to work alone. Before I had the students get back to back. I told the students that want to work alone to go ahead and get their supplies and find a seat.
The students read a passage titled "Advantages on the Field". This passage was about a female soccer player at tryouts. They also read "Pandora's Box". Here are the sheets that show the choices they had. The pink sheet is their checklist, and the blue sheet is the Exit Slip.
The passages come from 5th Grade Common CoreWriting to Texts. I purchased this at our local teacher store.
Here is a picture of my Exit Slip folders.
I hope this lesson is beneficial and gives you guys some great ideas! Have a great evening!
P.S. What do you think of my new blog banner and button? I really like my new avatar!