Saturday, March 28, 2015

Five for Friday (on Saturday)

I'm joining up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday (on Saturday) to share with you what's been going on this week!

Monday was my anniversary! 1 year ago, I married my best friend. He's the love of my life! 

We did a little celebration at home! We watched our wedding video and ate our wedding cake topper! It was actually really delicious! We also watched The Ninja Turtles and ate pizza! lol

Treg came to visit me at work with flowers and ate lunch with me. He's a sweetheart. 

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week. I have never felt so blessed in my entire life! I have amazing students and parents. 
Super sweet letter from a father of a student.

An amazing coworker and parent gave me this fabulous gift.

This week we used the Kagan structure, Corners,  to complete a paired writing. 
First, we read two passages together. I explained that each passage will have 3 different writing prompts to go with it.
The students chose which passage they wanted to write about by using the Kagan structure, Corners.
Once they chose a passage they got back to pack with the person closest to them.
With their new partner, they found a spot in the room and re-read the passage. As they were reading, they asked each other HOTS questions.
After finish the passage, the students chose a writing prompt and completed the writing together. They were able to choose from an opinion, informative, or narrative writing. I gave them a checklist of things I was looking for in all of the writings. At the end of the lesson, one of the partners completed an Exit Slip rating how they worked together with their partner.

Here's how Corners works:
Students move to different corners of the room, depending on their point of view. This activity may help them see that not everyone shares the same point of view, and it may stretch their own way of thinking.
1) The teacher announces "corners." Then she announces the choices for each corner of the room.
2) Students are then given a small amount of silent think time to make a choice. They will write the name of their corner on a piece of paper but should not discuss it with anyone else.
3) Teacher tells students to go to their chosen corners. Once they are in their corner, they must find a partner to talk with--someone not on their regular team. (I did this by having them get back-to-back).
4) Pairs will then discuss the reason(s) for their choice. Teacher will then select a few students form each corner to share what his or her partner shared.

 I received a brand new Elmo Document Camera last Friday! I am so excited! We have an amazing non-profit corporation, The Heritage Foundation, that identifies technological needs in our school and raises money to purchase the technology requested by teachers and faculty.

I absolutely love avatars! You all know that Nikki at Melonheadz Illustrating created my own personal Melonhead. I have now ordered my very own character from Shawnna at Lovelytocu Graphic Illustrating. I am so excited to have my own personal avatar to add to the top of my blog! I can't wait to share it with you! Check her out below!

Have a great weekend y'all!

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