Here are some things I'm doing in my classroom to build reading stamina:
1) I use a timer for most tasks in my classroom. That way students know how much time they really have, and can build autonomy by completing the task on time. To build reading stamina, start small. Set a timer with a 3-minute focused, no question time of reading. From there, grow the minutes slowly. Let studnets know if they achieved the goal, missed it, or exceeded it.
After students have become successful with reading for longer periods of time, begin adding questions to the reading. I use cold reads from multiple sources (, Reading Warm-Ups & Test Practice, Common Core Nonfiction: Activities for Informational Text Practice, Paired Passages: Linking Fact to Fiction, Comprehension Practice at 3 Levels, 25 Complex Text Passages to meet the Common Core) All of these books I found at my local teacher store.
I created this little graph to show our improvement with reading silently. I started small at 8 minutes, and moved them up slowly. The sock monkey climbed the stairs.
2) Vary the amount of time students are required to read silently.
3) Allow students time to read a book of their choice for enjoyment.
4) Be consistent- Have a designated silent reading time.
For more information on the importance of reading stamina, visit these websites:
Readworks has passages for building reading stamina!
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