I love these kiddos!
(My homeroom class)
To start off this week, I gave my students the letters that I wrote them. It was so awesome to see them reading what I wrote. Their faces lit up and some even cried. They told me how honored they felt for me to write each and every one of them. I absolutely adored reading the letters they wrote back to me! I even had one student write me an e-mail after graduation day, because he felt like he needed to say more. How precious is that!
Here's a picture of the students reading the letters and writing me back.
This week my students and I created a memory "quilt". Each student drew a self-portrait and added his/her name to it. It's an amazing keep-sake for me. This year has been so special! I hung the quilt up on their graduation day! Parents really enjoyed it!
Aside from my sweet letters, my students also made me signs, wrote more letters, and drew pictures for me this week! They're so sweet!
Graduation was bitter sweet. It was really hard to goodbye to my students. I know I may never see or hear from some of them again. I definitely cried a lot during the ceremony. A.C. Steere has impacted my life in so many ways. I work with amazing people who are genuine. I have amazing parents who want to help as much as they can, and I have great students. I have fallen in love with my school and kiddos. Teachers learn so much from the kids they teach. I'm so happy that this career path chose me. God definitely knew what he was doing.
My students hanging out before the ceremony:
After the ceremony, we had a great reception. I hugged as many of my students that I could find! The cafeteria was definitely packed. I didn't get that many pictures on my phone, but here are a few.
I have been so overwhelmed by the gifts, letters, and cards that I have received this year. My students and parents are so thoughtful. I definitely did not expect summer/goodbye gifts.
A fabulous student drew this amazing picture for me. (From left to right: Ms. Montgomery, student, me, and Mrs. Mills)
Flowers from students
A fabulous single-sheet laminator from a co-worker and student.
This beach bag is so cute! A few parents chipped in and got us all one of these!
I am ready to relax for summer, but don't think I won't be planning, creating, and blogging!