This week I decided to make new Whole Brain Teaching Rules Posters for my classroom! I made two different sets and both are for sale on my TPT site! My students absolutely love them! I forgot to take a picture of the rules hanging in my room. For my personal rules, I chose a Melonhead that looks like me with freckles (similar to the one on my signature). The ones I am selling are more generic. Click on the images below to take you to the store!
Chevron version of the WBT Rules.
Chalkboard version of the WBT Rules. (This one has two different teacher options).
This week was the last week of tutoring. I've been tutoring two very sweet students! They wanted to take a selfie after the last day! I absolutely love my job and my students! I am going to miss every single one of them.
Last week I decided to make a new tutoring sheet to give to parents who are interested in tutoring next year. I haven't had any problems with payment or anything like that, but I wanted to make a sheet that was cute and kind of like a contract. I need to tweak it, so I can sell it as a freebie on my site soon! Don't y'all think it's cute and practical?
This week we started our graduation practice. I took this picture on Thursday. The end of school is so close, and I know my 5th graders are super excited. However, I'm actually not looking forward to summer the way I have in the past. I love my school, students, and job! It is really bitter sweet. I hate having to say goodbye to my 5th graders. I know they may never come back to visit, which breaks my heart a little. I've worked hard to build relationships with each and every one of them. Even the most difficult students have grown on me, and I can truly say I love them. I don't really know what I'm going to do with myself this summer. I suppose I'll be making products to sell and working on lesson plans for next year. People always said last summer, "Why don't you take a break? You're going to burn out. Don't you ever stop thinking about work?" The answers are "I don't want to take a break, because I enjoy teaching, making teacher products, and planning lessons." Why stop something you love to do? Anyways, I know it will be awesome to see my kids graduate knowing they've improved so much. I just hope I don't tear up at graduation! lol I love them!
This week I also made a couple Freebies for National Teacher Appreciation Week! This freebie is a mini-poster of Team Jobs that I use.
The jobs included are:
1) Task Master- Keeps the team on task and keeps track of time.
2) Materials Monitor- Makes sure all materials are returned.
3) Paper Collector- Collects the team's papers to be turned in.
4) Quiet Captain- Keeps the team quiet when the teacher needs to talk by asking in a whisper to be quiet or showing with a hand signal.
Click the image below to download this freebie!
I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!