I just wanted to share my excitement about something God has put on my heart. This year I have received so many sweet and thoughtful letters and gifts from students. I want to do something to give back to my students and parents to show them a little piece of my heart. So, God has called me to write a letter to all 65+ students that I teach. I started writing the letters today, and God has definitely given me the words of encouragement to say to each child. Each student is unique and wonderful in their own way, no two letter is the same. Of course each letter ends the same way with me wishing them luck in their future endeavors and to keep in touch, but all the letters are personal and thoughtful. I truly love all of my students and would lay down my life for them. Even the most difficult students have brought me joy. I hope that I have brought them joy and taught them as much as they've taught me.
I know that I may not be every student's favorite teacher, but I hope they remember some of the life lessons that I have taught them. I also hope they know that I truly care about them and am on their side. Next year, I want to do even better at showing my students how much I care and want the very best for them.
When I am finished, I'll post some samples of the letters I have written so you can tweak them and use them in your classrooms.